Shipley Priorities Statement
Shipley Parish Council
Shipley Priorities Statement
Shipley Parish Council spent many years producing a Neighbourhood Plan. We carried out events and a survey in 2017, followed by a 6-week consultation in 2019, a referendum in 2020 and adoption in 2021.
It’s now been six years since the original parishioner survey and a lot of things have changed since then.
In the light of all these changes, the Parish Council is looking to update its understanding of the priorities that the community has for the parish of Shipley through a very short, accessible survey, to inform its work for the next few years and to determine how we spend our resources. This revision to the plan will be referred to as the Shipley Priorities Statement.
As we await Horsham District Plan decisions, we do not anticipate addressing planning matters.
We hope you can help us in two ways:
1. Joining a small group of residents to prepare the survey, and
2. Completing the survey, which will be available to you in the next few months.
If you would like to be part of the planning group, please contact: [email protected]
Contact Information
- 07824312070
Find Shipley Parish Council
Dawtreys, Bracken Lane, Shipley, Horsham, West Sussex, RH20 3HR
Additional Information
Email - [email protected]